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이성렬(Sungyul Lee)- 영어

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일17-11-03 01:42 조회3,463회



서울 출생서울대학교카이스트시카고대학교 졸업. 2002서정시학』 등단

2013년 <문학청춘 작품상수상시집비밀요원밀회. 산문집겹눈. 

 경희대학교 교수.


Sungyul Lee

Born in Seoul. Graduated from Seoul National University, KAIST, and the University of Chicago. Professor at Kyung Hee University. Debuted in 2002 in the Quarterly <Poetry and Lyrics>. Received the Poetry Award from the <Literature & Spring> in 2013. Published poetry books: <A few clues on the itinerary (2003)>, <Secret Agent (2007)>, <Secret Encounter (2012)>. Published prose collection <Complex eyes (2017)>.

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