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오민석/ Sometimes/ Min-Seok Oh오민석

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일17-12-01 15:19 조회5,461회




     Min-Seok Oh



The wind swings the leaves

At the blue station

What I am waiting for

Making scars on the sky

A shooting star is falling

Deep shadow in the monastery

So I asked all what I should have asked

Flowers are in full bloom on the tree








바람이 풀잎을 흔든다

푸른 정거장에서

나는 무엇을 기다리나

하늘에 기스 내며

별똥별 떨어지고

수도원에도 그늘이 깊으니

나는 물을 것을 다 물은 것이다

나무에 꽃이 만발하다





Min-Seok Oh



Born in South Korea in 1958

Made debut as a poet in 1990 winning the Rookie of the Year Award from the monthly Hangilmunhak.

Made debut as a literary critic in 1993 winning the best criticism award from the daily Dongahilbo.

Published poetry books like The Train Doesn’t Stop Tonight and Longing for Myungryun Inn, theoretical books like Towards the Future of Political Criticism and A Guide to Contemporary Literary Theories, the poetry essay book Morning Poetry, and a critical biography of Song, Hae, the entertainer I Am a Clown, etc.

Translated Vasko Popa’s poetry book Homage to the Lame Wolf, O Henry’s Short Stories of O Henry, etc.

Winner of Buseok Criticism Award and Dankook Univ. Literary Award.







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